What is Click-to-Open-Rate?

CTOR, or Click-To-Open Rate, is a key metric in email marketing and cold emailing. It tells you the percentage of people who opened your email and then clicked on a link within it.

This metric is key to analyze your funnel performance. After an email is delivered and opened, CTOR helps you see if your content successfully drives engagement. 

How to Calculate Click-to-Open Rate?

Calculating your Click-to-Open Rate (CTOR) is simple.

Use this formula: (unique email clicks / unique email opens) x 100 = CTOR

It's important to use unique counts for both clicks and opens. This gives you a clear picture of how many individuals are engaging with your content. Using total numbers can inflate your CTOR, making your campaigns seem more successful than they actually are.

CTORs can vary widely by industry and campaign goals, but the overall average is about 11% across all sectors.




Time to live (TTL)





  • www is the subdomain and is an identifier of the record.

  • CNAME is the DNS record type.

  • com is the value of the record. That means www will resolve to the IP address of the domain abc.com.

  • 3600 is TTL (time to live) is the expiry time of the CNAME record. It's expressed in seconds. Here 3600 means that the records will be updated after each hour.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Why Is It Important To Use Unique Counts For CTOR?

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

Using unique counts for clicks and opens gives you a true picture of how many individuals are engaging with your emails. Total counts can inflate your CTOR, making it seem like your campaigns are performing better than they actually are.

What Is A Good CTOR?

Email automation FAQs- Smartlead

CTORs can vary by industry and campaign goals, but the average across all sectors is about 11%. Comparing your CTOR with industry benchmarks can help you determine if you need to adjust your email marketing strategy.