Kellen Casebeer

Founder, The Deal Lab

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Strong At:



Market Analysis



AI Tech








Hi, I’m Kellen Casebeer, Founder of The Deal Lab.

The first tool we purchased when we started our company was Smartlead, and since day 1 we’ve grown ourselves & our clients using it.

Prior to The Deal Lab, I was building embedded outbound sales teams inside of other companies. Doing this across dozens of different businesses, I saw an issue with the model & an opportunity to build something better.

As a consultant I was constrained by the time clients had with me, their tech stack, and the rate in which client sales reps could apply the ideas we came up with.

With The Deal Lab we own the tech stack, we have a proven process we’ve ran dozens of times, we operate autonomously with little drag on your business, and we bring back our findings at a quality and speed you would struggle to replicate elsewhere.

Our proprietary segmentation & experimentation model allow us to rapidly iterate outbound campaigns, double down on what works, and zero in on Message-Market-Fit.

No expense or effort is spared when it comes to our campaigns; where many try to run lean & focus on profits we have invested heavily in toolset to gain all possible advantages.

If you’re considering building an outbound sales program, please do feel free to reach out & I’d love to share ideas with you. We’re confident that the quality of our conversation will stand out.

A few campaigns over the last couple of months

Latest Success:







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